AMA with the TIKU team (28th August)

5 min readAug 29, 2021

thomu_s (marketer from TIKU DeFi)

Hello everyone! Welcome to the AMA with the TIKU team. We decided to do the text form so it would be available also for people who cannot make it today. We will start with your questions, so feel free to ask anything you are curious about!

Anoop reddy

When LSD program?

kefas (main dev from TIKU DeFi)

Regarding the date of LSD program, today we launched the bug bounty which ends on Monday and we aim to launch the LSD program on the next Tuesday!

Anoop reddy

What will happen once the Tiku is moved into LSD bag/fund.?

kefas (main dev from TIKU DeFi)

When you move the TIKU into LSD bag it will get locked in there, in smart contract representing the LDS bag. Then, when there’s dividend payout you will get your reward based on how long you have been staking (age of the bag).

Anoop reddy

How the rewards are calculated , based on the age, right? Is the age starts from 1 and ends till the age u hold. Or from age 1 till a week for weekly rewards..?

kefas (main dev from TIKU DeFi)

Yes, the dividends are calculated based on the age of the bag, and the age of the bag increases everyday since it has been created. So the first option you mentioned.

Anoop reddy

So, do I also get both, kcs rewards based of the volume + staking rewards based on the LSD Tiku bag?

valkynaz (community support from TIKU DeFi)

Correct. When TIKU is staked into the LSD Program that TIKU will continue to accrue KCS rewards

Anoop reddy

How Tiku will disrupt the kcc and other networks…? Can you explain your startegy , on how Tiku will be a trend setter or rather the best project of 2021?

valkynaz (community support from TIKU DeFi)

TIKU is designed to provide the best rewards to those who hold TIKU for the longest. This is achieved through a two-pronged approach to passive income. You have the auto-KCS from buy/sell fees and then you will also be able to stake your TIKU in the LSD Program to achieve weekly passive income which is independent of trading volume. We believe this is how TIKU will stand out from the rest

kefas (main dev from TIKU DeFi)

Current state of DeFi is using simple model of rewarding liquidity providers based on how much of given token they stake. What TIKU brings to the table is the time-based staking model which motivates holders to hold indefinitely as their bag gets more valuable over time. Another aspect of what makes it unique is decentralized yield farming fund which will own multiple assets and therefore be less risky ..even if one of the projects fails, the fund will still survive.

thomu_s (marketer from TIKU DeFi)

Ok, so I think we can proceed to answer the collected questions and then if someone will want to ask anything, we will address their questions.

So the first question is: In some of your posts you mention NFTs generating passive income, can you explain what this means?

kefas (main dev from TIKU DeFi)

Yes, this is another unique feature of TIKU DeFi, we will allow people who hold LSD Bags and have any NFTs to attach those NFTs to LSD Bags. This way they could increase the price of their NFTs as they will be generating passive through the LSD Bags and additionally will make you elligible for our lottery — various NFT, LSD Bag and TIKU winnings.

thomu_s (marketer from TIKU DeFi)

Ok, another question: How will the LSD fund governed by the community work? In what way will the community be able to govern it?

kefas (main dev from TIKU DeFi)

The governance of the LSD fund will work by LSD Bags holders voting on which asset should LSD Fund invest in as a next one. Here, only the LSD Bags that are older than 1 week will have a voting power to mitigate risks of cheating.

thomu_s (marketer from TIKU DeFi)

Great, we also got this question: When TIKU on Kudex?

kefas (main dev from TIKU DeFi)

We are actively working on collaborating with other DEXes besides the KoffeeSwap and we’ll be getting listed on at least one other exchange in the coming weeks. Also, we came up with a good way to motivate holders to provide liquidity at DEXes: we will allow TIKU LP token to be stakeable in the LSD bags besides the TIKU itself, so the liquidity providers will have a motivation to keep providing the liqudity

thomu_s (marketer from TIKU DeFi)

Cool, the last collected question is for me: Any marketing plans with LSD?

Yes, indeed, we are preparing a quite unusual campaign that will involve interactive story/game in a form of a comic that will stimulate the reader/player to actively learn about the unique features of the LSD program. Besides this, we are also preparing a potentially viral challenge on the instagram that will be linked with the LSD program and our own IG filter. There will also be special poocoin ads about the LSD program.

These were the collected questions, if you have any other questions guys, please do not hesitate to ask

Anoop reddy

How the buyback and burn plan work on LSD bags..?

kefas (main dev from TIKU DeFi)

The LSD Fund will generate rewards from yield farming, part of which will go into buyback and burn of the TIKU. It will be done through special smart contract that keeps buying TIKU and immediately sending it to the burn address after.

Anoop reddy

Where do we see Tiku 5 years down the time?

kefas (main dev from TIKU DeFi)

Wow, great question, as I see it in 5 years TIKU will be cross-chain ecosystem providing various utilities, standard for decentralized yield farming funds and time-based staking.

Anoop reddy

How is unkotting fee is calculated? Based on bag value or no. Of Tiku staked?

kefas (main dev from TIKU DeFi)

The unknotting fee is calculated from staked TIKU, it is a fixed percentage that will be deducted from the balance of the LSD bag once it is unknotted.

Anoop reddy

Where do unkotting fee goes to and how the fee is used..?

kefas (main dev from TIKU DeFi)

The unknotting fee will be sent to the LSD fund where it will be converted to the assets, so basically used to increase the total holding of the fund, therefore increase both rewards and burn amount

Anoop reddy

Thank you team for patiently answering my questions . Loved to be part of such a great project.

Have a great day all!!

thomu_s (marketer from TIKU DeFi)

Thanks for being a part of the TIKU tribe! Have a great day too!

kefas (main dev from TIKU DeFi)

Thanks for the questions, have a great day too!




TIKU is a decentralized finance project running on KuCoin Community Chain. It provides a unique way of earning passive rewards for holding and staking assets.